Affiliates Rave That The Language Of Desire Is
“The Highest-Converting & Most Profitable Offer For Women EVER!”
Over $540,000 in Sales in Our First 2 Weeks • VSL by 9-Figure-Copywriter Chris “Mr. Moneyfingers” Haddad • CRUSHES Diet, Fitness, Personal Development, Astrology, Law of Attraction, Home Business, Dating, Relationship, Parenting, and All Other Women’s Traffic
Enter Your Email Address for Preferred Affiliate Status and Access to Exclusive Copywriting and Affiliate Marketing Training By Chris “Mr. Moneyfingers” Haddad…
Here’s OVERWHELMING PROOF That Even The LAZIEST Affiliates Are Making Mountains Of Cash With “The Language Of Desire!”

Almost $4 A Click… To a FITNESS LIST??????
“This offer CRUSHES fitness and diet traffic like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I’m used to seeing 80 or 90 cents a click if I’m lucky promoting diet and exercise stuff in my niche. With LoD we got $3.80 a click, over 7% conversion and earned over $22,000 in the first email ALONE. Best affiliate promo we’ve EVER done by FAR.
If you’ve got diet or weight loss traffic or any women’s traffic at all and you don’t promote this, you’re an idiot.”

Using His LoD CASH To Buy A HOUSE!!!!!
“I started promoting Language of Desire yesterday.
The 5% conversion I am getting for LOD is stellar compared to almost any product I promote. I usually see in the 1-2% conversion window for a GOOD offer. But of course, it really isn’t about conversions or EPC’s etc. It’s all about the CASH (well, mostly — there are many things I won’t promote even though they would make me a TON of money). I mailed twice and I am easily seeing more than double the average I would normally make per mailing.
This product is going to help me pay off another one of my investment properties!”

Making THOUSANDS On LoD From A Facebook Page!!!!
“Language of Desire has been, BY FAR, the most phenomenal launch of a product we’ve ever had and it’s simply because the product is extraordinary, and the affiliate support has been stellar! In just 7 days, we’ve been able to pull in over $10,000 in affiliate commission just by promoting this product on our social media. We are literally blown away gobsmacked!! Thank you to Felicity for authoring an amazing, insightful program which actually helps people (!!), and to Chris and the Digital Romance Inc. team for providing affiliate support that converts like crazy! We are literally counting down the days until we can promote it to our community again!”

First Time EVER Making Money As An Email Affiliate
“I’m one of your many affiliates in the dating, relationship, and breakup niches. I normally don’t do email blasts, so earlier this week I figured just for the heck of it I would blast my female subscribers with your LoD product.
I only have a small list (15 women’s dating subscribers and 7 women’s breakup/ex back subscribers for a total of 22 female subscribers). Out of these 22 that I sent the LoD offer to, 5 females opened the email. Out of these 5 females, 2 actually bought the LoD product!
This was my first time ever making money off any kind of email blast! I am a firm believer now in the quality of your products (as well as in the power of email marketing in general). Although $63 in affiliate commissions isn’t much, this definitely gives me great motivation to keep working at this.
In my honest opinion, you and Digital Romance really set the standard for high quality Clickbank products (along with excellent affiliate support).
Feel free to use this email testimonial however you’d like.”

“LoD Kicked Serious Ass”
“Btw lodesire kicked serious ass. 8% conversion rate almost for us. solid. thats the best i’ve seen so far in women’s market.”

LoD Is Sending Her To Europe!
“Hey Guys,
I know you all know, but I just had to chime in here that in ONE email for LOD, I’ve made the most money EVER in my seven-year emailing/marketing career… and it’s already MORE than paid for my awesome two-week European vacation!
(And, I went through the program and found it VERY positive, loving, empowering, fun, and super informative about stuff WOMEN NEED TO KNOW!!!)”

Doctor APOLOGIZES For Doubting… Can’t Believe His Conversions Or How Happy His Subscribers Are To Hear About LoD!
“OK, Chris, I recant. I watched the video all the way through. First, great copy! Second, I decided I could aim it well. Sent it out an hour ago, and it is selling like… hotcakes?…hot sex?
Anyway, just looked and no complaints. So far, no push-back.
Nicely done, sir!”

Even Converts To His Personal Development Lists!
“Language of Desire is the best converting offer that I’ve promoted as an affiliate in the dating space in over a year. Over 500 sales from a few emails, it even converts to my personal development list, not just dating lists. I highly recommend you give this offer a shot, it has WHEELS!”

“You’re A Dark Lord Of Marketing”
“Moneyfingers, you’re a dark lord of marketing! Sales good so far! The idea of supplying the VSL AND articles AND the sales page was GENIUS."

Best Converting Offer He’s Ever Promoted… By DOUBLE!
“Best mailing ever, actually… almost twofold, I think… (that’s comparing the figures to REDACTED which was the most recent winner for us prior to yours…)
So yeah, you killed it with this one. Great job. :)”
12.5% Conversion Rate!
“Wait… definitely best affliate offer ever haha I just looked at the stats again. 3.83 front end epc 1 in 8 hops per order so that’s a 12.5% converion rate.”

Loves Sending LoD Traffic Because She KNOWS It’ll Convert
“Congrats on your phenomenal success with L.O.D.
We’re seeing $2.34 EPC! Best promo yet! And of course, I can sleep like a baby at night because I know it’s a quality product, and that you stand behind it with excellent customer service.
Great job and continued success…”

Almost Gave Up On Affiliate Marketing… Then He Discovered LoD
Dan Mattson bought Mark Ling’s excellent Affilorama training just two weeks before the big “Language Of Desire” launch…
I’ll let Mark tell the rest:
“Anyway he set up the dating niche jetpack and has got to 97 optins so far and had only made $90 n the last two weeks before LoD was available…. Anyway I told him to try mailing for your LODesire product today, and he ALREADY made $180 commissions which he was STOKED about. :) He’s now going to add your product to the first 2 days of the followup sequence and to the free report etc. I believe he'll go well long term, it’s early days of course.”
I talked to Dan myself and found out he thought his list SUCKED and was thinking about giving up before LoD got him his first sales EVER.
$250 An Hour… For Sitting On His Ass
“Made around a 1k already with LOD (in 5 hours after mailing my list). So thanks again.

“Best Front End Ever”
“It’s outstanding. $1.74 Front End EPC and making a sale every 18 hops, which is fantastic. How does it compare? This is the best front-end I have seen in the female niche.“

He Can’t Stop Laughing (All The Way To The Bank)
Bob: “5 percent conversion rate???????????????? I’m still laughing. ”
Chris: “Is that good? What’s ‘normal’ for you?”
Bob: “Oh sorry. A 5 percent conversion rate to my entire list of 50k is better than I can ever remember.
“Yea….it’s put on a Tarzan suit, beat your chest good.
“Nice job.”

Killer Conversions Even Though He’s Not In The “Relationship Niche”
“I have been promoting Digital Romance products for almost three years now and the results never cease to amaze me. What does amaze me is that I am not in the relationships or dating niche, yet we still get killer conversions and make great money just for sending out a few emails. When I heard about the new “Language of Desire” release I knew that I had to get in on it, I promoted it to a few of my lists (again, in non-relationship/dating niches) and it outperformed at least 80% of the other offers I have promoted to those lists, which is fantastic to say the least. I have been an internet entrepreneur for a long time (15+ years) and have seen A LOT OF CRAP, but I am always impressed with the quality of the product, support and “go-getter mentality” of the folks over at Digital Romance. All I can say is, it doesn’t matter if you are in this space or not, there is easy money to be made promoting LOD!”
And that’s just a TASTE of the incredible results our affiliates get EVERY day with “The Language Of Desire”
Listen: I could sit here all day listing off testimonial after testimonial after testimonial, showing you insane screen shots and TELLING you how much you’re going to make…
But all THAT does is delay how long it’s gonna be until you get your first sweet, sweet LoD check!

Click The Button Below For Direct Access To The Language of Desire Affiliate Center
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Chris “Mr. Moneyfingers” Haddad
Founder, President and Chief Copywriter for Digital Romance, Inc.
P.S. Sign up as a preferred affiliate RIGHT NOW and I’ll flat out GIVE you my notorious “Impossible VSL” video where I walk through ever step of the “Language Of Desire” script and tell you EXACTLY why it converts so well.